Friday, July 22, 2011


" It is not the strongest who survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It's the one that is most adaptable to change." ~ Charles Darwin.

Makes a lot of sense, right? Given that the world keeps revolving, things keep changing, either from being bad to being good or the other way around. And throughout of the process of the inevitable changes, there are some people adaptive enough to survive, while the other just gradually disappear into no where because of the lack of the adapting skill.

For sure, changes take place in a lot of forms such as changes in nature, theories, and so on and so forth. What is being focused here is the changes in people.

People enter your life and change it. That's when you apply your adapting skill to the change to co-exist with them if they are those who you deem matter. Then they might continue staying but they themselves change, with whatever reason that you might or might not be acknowledged about. Now, again, you apply your adapting skill for the same reason--to co-exist with them because they matter. The worst case scenario is when they just leave or you just leave. Again, adaptation takes place, this time also because they matter...yeah, they matter but they're no longer here...

Now new people come in, and the cycle repeats...the cycle that can be joyful and painful...the cycle that makes us grow...the cycle that requires a knack on adapting.